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June Chementator Briefs

  Ceramic paper A paper-like material made from vanadium-pentoxide ceramic that is as hard as copper and can be folded or rolled up has been produced by scientists at Stuttgart University (, the Max-Planck Institute (MPI) for Intelligent Systems (…

Controlling Air Pollutants

Selecting air-pollution control equipment can be tricky. It’s not only difficult to determine which pollutants must be controlled, but also which type of equipment will best control them to required levels for any given process or facility because there is…

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A solid-acid-catalyst alkylation process will be commercialized

What is said to be the world’s first commercial alkylation plant to use a solid acid catalyst is scheduled for startup early next year by Shandong Wonfull Petrochemical Group Co. (Zibo, China). The plant, which will produce 100,000 ton/yr of…

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This process delivers chilled air using a fraction of the power required

The temperature and moisture level of the air being drawn into the front end of ammonia, nitrogen, nitric acid or other plant air compressors directly impacts the yield from the process, and chilling is a way to debottleneck air production…

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Acid recovery makes rutile production more economical

A demonstration plant in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, will produce hydrochloric acid and iron pellets from the iron-chloride leach liquor generated by the production of synthetic rutile, the common mineral form of titanium dioxide. The plant will utilize a…

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A production plant for CNFs

Nippon Paper Industries Co. (Nippon Paper; Tokyo; is constructing a verification plant for the production of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) at the Chemical Div. of its Iwakuni Mill. Scheduled to start up in October, the facility will have a production…

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Improved coating for hydraulic fracturing proppants

Two new coating products for sand proppants used in hydraulic fracturing operations in the oil and gas industry overcome the challenges of traditional phenolic coatings, which can leach environmentally hazardous chemicals. The coatings, developed by Preferred Sands LLC (Radnor, Pa.;…

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One-pot synthesis of sugars from biomass

Researchers from the group of Atsushi Fukuoka at the Catalysis Research Center of Hokkaido University (Sapporo;, and Showa Denko K.K. (SDK; Tokyo, both Japan; have developed a new catalyst that efficiently decomposes biomass into sugars. The activated-carbon-based catalyst…

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Making 1,3-PDO from glycerin

The research groups of Keiichi Fujishige at Tohoku University (Sendai, and Daicel Corp. (Osaka, both Japan; have developed a process for making 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) from glycerin, a byproduct of biodiesel-fuel production. The researchers improved a catalyst developed by…

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May Chementator Briefs

  Heap-leaching for REs Studies conducted by Texas Rare Earth Resources Corp. (Sierra Blanca, Tex.; indicate that heap leaching with 15% (~150 g/L) sulfuric acid has the potential to dissolve minerals containing rare-earth (RE) elements from host rock at…