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A process to treat tight emulsions and intractable oily wastes

Spent invert drilling fluids, slop oil, rag layers, and tank bottoms often present as very tight emulsions having high brine and solids fractions that render them difficult and economically unfeasible to break and separate by traditional means, says Ron Drake,…

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Environmentally safe oil-sands extraction

Processing oil sands is a mechanically intense process that involves pumping steam underground to emulsify crude petroleum. The procedure presents what MCW Energy Group (Toronto, Ont.; CEO and former Exxon executive Jerry Bailey calls an “environmental nightmare.” Among the…

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CO2 in biomass pre-treatment

Ionic liquids are being investigated as a way to break down cellulosic plant material in biofuels-production processes. A significant hurdle to their use is the fact that ionic liquids are toxic to the microbes used in biofuel production. Researchers from…

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New process for cyclohexasilane offers lower cost and improved safety

A newly developed process for manufacturing cyclohexasilane (CHS; Si6H12) offers a lower-cost and safer pathway to a material whose molecular architecture allows a wider range of material possibilities than alternative starting materials for several important silicon-based products. CHS can be…

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Recover chemicals from sugarcane bagasse using the half the energy

Last month, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO; Kawasaki, Japan; signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Innovation Agency (NIA; Bangkok, Thailand; to work jointly on a project to demonstrate a manufacturing system…

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Chementator Briefs

Li-ion batteries Over the course of several battery charge/discharge cycles, microscopic fibers of lithium, called dendrites, sprout from the surface of the lithium electrode and spread across the electrolyte until they reach the other electrode. An electrical current passing through…

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A smart adhesive that ‘turns on’ at body temperature

Scientists from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (Seoul; and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST; Ulsan, both Sout Korea;, led by UNIST’s professor Hyunhyub Ko, have developed smart adhesive pads — in the form…

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Hybrid 3-D-printing process optimizes performance, cost for aerospace parts

Alcoa Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; has developed a hybrid technique, called Ampliforge (diagram), that combines additive manufacturing (3-D printing) and advanced forging techniques to improve the performance and reduce the cost of metal aerospace components. The company has produced prototype…

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This electrochemical cell sequesters CO2 and generates electricity

Researchers from Cornell University (Ithaca, N.Y.; have developed an oxygen-assisted, Al/CO2 electrochemical cell that converts CO2 into a useful product while producing electricity. This represents a possible paradigm shift from most current carbon-capture models, says Lynden Archer, the James…

Business News Sept. 2016

Plant Watch Cepsa to build new m-xylene unit under supply agreement with Indorama August 9, 2016 — Following a supply agreement with Indorama Ventures Public Ltd. (IVL; Bangkok, Thailand;, Compañía Española de Petróleos S.A.U. (Cepsa; Madrid, Spain; will…