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A new class of polymers that utilize CO2

A new plastic made from CO2 and butadiene has been synthesized by Kyoko Nozaki and her research group at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan; Although butadiene is already produced on a large scale for making synthetic rubber, it…

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Biomass torrefaction plant undergoing expansion

A biomass torrefaction plant run by New Biomass Energy LLC (NBE; Quitman, Miss.; is currently undergoing an expansion that will increase its annual production capacity to 250,000 tons of torrefied wood product. The company expects the expansion to be…

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A copper catalyst with promise for utilizing CO2 in organic synthesis

Scientists from the A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) Institute for Chemical and Engineering Sciences (Singapore; have shown that a copper catalyst can incorporate CO2 into organic molecules under mild conditions, opening the way to an inexpensive, nontoxic…

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Renewable surfactant can replace solvents for cleaning

A nonionic surfactant that is derived from renewable chemicals can outperform common solvents in a range of applications, including industrial cleaning, adhesive removal, degreasing, paint and coating removal, and others. The molecule (N,N-dimethyl-9-decenamide), marketed as Steposol MET-10U, is the first…

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Demonstration of a new CO2-methanation process

The first phase of a study on the feasibility of producing methane from CO2 has been completed by Hitachi Zosen Corp. (Tokyo; and Daiki Ataka Engineering Co. (Daiki Ataka) a subsidy of Hitachi Zosen, in collaboration with PTT Exploring…

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The launch of a new bioethylene-production process

Last month, a new bioethanol-dehydration process was introduced by its developers Axens (, IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN; both Rueil-Malmaison, France; and Total Refining & Chemicals (Brussels, Belgium; Tradenamed Atol, the process is said to be the most profitable…

Covered lagoons treat wastewater and make biogas, too

The world’s first installation of the so-called Cohral technology — deploying a covered lagoon for anaerobic wastewater treatment — was completed last March at Oakey Abattoir Pty Ltd. in the farming region of Darling Downs, in southern Queensland, Australia. The…

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May Chementator Briefs

  Carbon nanofibers Researchers at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, N.C.;, in conjunction with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tenn.; have produced, via a plasma-enhanced vapor deposition process, vertically aligned carbon nanofibers using an acetone and…

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New mass spec technique requires no sample preparation

A research group at Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, N.J.; has developed a new mass spectroscopy technique, called helium-plasma-ionization mass spectrometry (HePI-MS), that enables direct sampling of materials without the need for rigorous sample preparation, as is required for…

A promising process to recover Li from seawater

Lithium is an element of growing importance for the production of batteries and nuclear fuels. Because Japan relies completely on imports of this material, with the majority coming from South America, the country is looking for alternative sources for this…