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Rapid Prediction of Prandtl Number of Compressed Air

Two methods are presented and compared for quickly calculating this important, yet neglected parameter Over the last few decades, a considerable effort has been directed to toward the evaluation of thermophysical and transport properties of air for a wide range…

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An Up-Close Look at Electropositive Filtration

Electropositive filters take advantage of surface-charge effects to filter nanometer-sized particles. Provided here is an overview of how they work and where they can be used Electropositive filters take advantage of surface-charge effects to filter nanometer-sized particles. Provided here is…

Modern Rupture Discs Support Increased Plant Capacity

The use of today’s high-performance rupture disc designs can help to reduce many common operating problems and support increased throughput requirements Chemical process industries (CPI) plants are typically designed to achieve specific production volumes, but as anyone who has worked…

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Precipitated Calcium Carbonate from Limestone

This column is based on “Calcium Carbonate Production from Limestone: Cost Analysis,” a report published by Intratec. It can be found at: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is a mineral that occurs naturally in chalks, limestones and marbles. Its largest use…

Key Reactions for the Petrochemical Industry

A handful of compounds derived from natural gas and crude petroleum are converted into a vast array of industrial petrochemicals. Starting materials for most petrochemical intermediates include synthesis gas, ethylene, propylene, butadiene and BTX (benzene, toluene, xylenes). This one-page reference…

Metallic gear pumps with very few parts

The Eclipse Series of metallic gear (photo) pumps features 12 different models to handle a wide variety of chemicals, connection sizes and flow ranges for water treatment and chemical processing applications. Equipped with a patented front pull-out design that simplifies…

An ultrasonic sensor for layer detection in a variety of materials

The UD18-2 ultrasonic sensor for double layer and splice detection (photo) is able to determine whether one, two or no material layers are present between its sender and receiver. The UD18-2 can reliably detect objects regardless of material, including paper,…

These limit switches require no batteries

This company’s line of wireless limit switches (photo) feature an internal electrodynamic energy generator — no battery is required. Displacement of the actuator generates power to send a uniquely coded signal to one or more compatible, easily-programmed receivers. If the…

An aluminum version of this AODD pump is now available

The HS430S Advanced FIT 1.5-in. high-pressure AODD pump is now available in an aluminum version (photo) that is well-suited for applications that require high head pressures, such as viscous and solid-laden slurries. The aluminum pump comes equipped with the FIT…

An easily expandable wireless I/O system

The new Multi-Point Wireless I/O system allows users to transfer I/O or Modbus data to and from multiple locations without the hassle of wires, conduit, trenching or permits. The secure system deploys quickly and can be used indoors or outdoors…