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3D Installation

Learn important tips about how to install the non-contact, dust-penetrating BinMaster 3DLevelScanner level and volume measurement device including choosing the proper mounting location and step-by-step instructions on how to mount and install the device for optimal performance.

3D Intro

The BinMaster 3DLevelScanner offers non-contact, dust-penetrating technology to measure the level and volume of powders and bulk solids in bins, tanks and silos. It provides a high level of accuracy as it measures multiple points in the vessel and creates…

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Chementator Briefs

HVAC cooling tower A newly introduced cooling tower for building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) has both its structural casing and fill made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resin that contains additives designed to prevent the growth of microorganisms and…

Member Exclusive

Paint a thermoelectric device onto any shaped surface to recover waste heat

Scientists from Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST; Ulsan, South Korea;, led by Prof Jae Sung Son, have succeeded in producing high-performance, solid-state thermoelectric (TE) materials with liquid-like properties that can be easily brush-painted on surfaces of…

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Laminate packaging that is easier to recycle

A collaboration between ExxonMobil Chemical Co. (EMCC; Spring, Tex.; and Thanh Phu Plastic Packaging Co. (TPPP; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; has resulted in the development and commercialization of laminate packaging materials that can be collected and recycled…

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This process converts organic food waste to liquid fertilizer

Large supermarkets routinely waste 500 lb of food daily from past-due produce, deli and meat scraps and other sources. A new process developed by California Safe Soil (CSS; McClellan, Calif.; converts the nutrient-rich waste food into a liquid fertilizer…

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A very fast way to continuously synthesize zeolites

For a long time, it has been believed that the crystallization of zeolites is, by nature, a very slow process. The hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites is normally performed batchwise, requiring crystallization times on the order of days. Now, Toru Wakihara…

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Australians move to supply vanadium for redox flow batteries

Two Australian companies — Australian Vanadium Ltd. (AVL; and TNG Ltd. (both Perth; — are now able to produce commercial-grade vanadium electrolyte for use in vanadium redox-flow batteries (VRFBs). Those batteries are increasingly gaining favor, primarily for grid-scale…

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Japanese consortium synthesize bifunctional oxygen-reaction catalysts

Researchers from the group of professor Ikuya Yamada at Osaka Prefecture University (Osaka, Japan;, in collaboration with the University of Tokyo, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (Hyogo; and Fuji Die Co. (Tokyo;, have synthesized for the first…

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An inexpensive adsorbant for removing silver from wastewater

The release of silver from industrial wastewater has caused serious environmental problems. Many methods have been developed to remove silver ions from industrial wastewater, including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, electrolysis, replacement, membrane and reverse osmosis. Several adsorbents have been used…