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Chemicals from bagasse

Toray Industries, Inc. ( and Mitsui Sugar Co. (both Tokyo, Japan; have started a six-year project to demonstrate the production of useful materials from bagasse, with support from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Org. (NEDO; Kawasaki City,…

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This project aims for high-efficiency enzyme production

The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program has awarded a grant to a consortium working to raise yields and lower costs of large-scale industrial enzymes. The grant will fund a three-year project to increase yields of an enzyme…

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A new filter mesh with reduced erosion — by design

Porometric mesh is a new weave mesh designed by GKD-USA, Inc. (Cambridge, Md.; using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations (photo), in a study aimed at reducing erosion and abrasion caused by sand in oil-and-gas pipelines. Porometric mesh has a…

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Spinning miles of synthetic spider silk

An international team of scientists, led by senior researcher Anna Rising and professor Jan Johansson at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Karolinska Institute (both Stockholm, Sweden; and, has developed a process that makes it possible…

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New technique simplifies doping for organic semiconductors

A new solution-based method for introducing doping into organic semiconductor films could simplify the manufacture of efficient single-layer photovoltaic cells and move them closer to a commercial reality. Beyond solar cells, the doping technique could be more broadly used in…

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Batch or continuous? This methodology can help making the decision

So far, there is no high-level evaluation that gives a simple guideline on the benefits and feasibility of converting a batch to a continuous process. Now a group from the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR; Singapore; has…

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A new adsorbent for wastewater treatment

A team at the Graduate School of Energy, Environment, Water and Sustainability (EEWS) of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST, Daejeon;, led by professor Cafer T. Yavuz has developed a water-treatment adsorbent that can selectively remove water-soluble…

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Making bio-ethanol from cassava pulp

Sapporo Holdings Ltd. (SHL; Tokyo, Japan; and Innotech Green Energy Company Ltd. (IGE) in Thailand are collaborating on a project to achieve the world’s first practical fermentation process to make ethanol from cassava pulp. The two companies have completed…

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Business News — March 2017

Plant Watch AkzoNobel announces startup of bio-steam facility at Delfzijl plant February 13, 2017 — AkzoNobel N.V. (Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and utility company Eneco announced the startup of a bio-steam facility at AkzoNobel’s Delfzijl site in the Netherlands. Eneco…

Refrigerants: New Rules Reinforce Innovation

As new regulations take effect, familiar refrigerants are being phased out and a variety of next-generation materials and processes are being introduced Agreed upon in October 2016 after negotiations from over 170 nations, the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol…