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A one-step, phosgene-free route to urethane

Researchers at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technologys (AIST) Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalytic Chemistry (Tsukuba, Japan; have developed a new reaction process to synthesize aromatic urethane — a promising starting material for the production of…

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Modular hydrogen-production technology uses modified SMR process

A modular, skid-mounted hydrogen-production plant developed by Linde AG (Munich, Germany; uses a modified version of conventional steam-methane reforming (SMR) to generate hydrogen from inexpensive natural gas, rather than relying on more costly methods of hydrogen production, such as…

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Polymer produced from CO2 waste gas makes commercial debut

For the first time, polypropylene carbonate (PPC) polyol, a versatile polymer made from CO2, is available at a commercial scale. Produced by Novomer Inc.’s (Waltham, Mass.; polymerization process, PPC polyol has been adopted into a formulation for polyurethane hot-melt…

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CO2-capture project is largest to use calcium-looping technology

A cement plant in Taiwan has been retrofitted with the largest CO2-capture plant to use calcium-looping technology to date. The project, run by Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI; Hsinchu, Taiwan;, demonstrates ITRI’s high-efficiency calcium-looping technology (Heclot) at a…

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This new material repels oil and water

Meanwhile, a new class of highly fluorinated polymers is being developed at the Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Karlsruhe, Germany; that repels both water and oil. Last month, IMT was awarded €2.85 million funding…

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Efficient distillation  

Last month, Toyo Engineering Corp. (Toyo; Chiba, was awarded a contract for a distillation column in a methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) production plant of Maruzen Petrochemical Co. (Ichihara City, Chiba, Japan). The contract marks the first commercial application of…

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Advanced Coatings for New Applications

Changing markets and new applications are putting more demands on the protective coatings industry than ever before. While developing environmentally friendlier and less labor-intensive corrosion- and chemical-resistant paints and coatings is always a major goal, new formulations are needed to…

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Synthesizing omega-3 lipids from waste gases and algae

A collaboration between LanzaTech (Skokie, Ill.; and the IOC-DBT Center for Advanced Bio-Energy Research (Faridabad, India; has led to a carbon-capturing process that synthesizes omega-3 lipids in algae. Via a continuous fermentation step that takes place in a…

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This methane-to-methanol process operates at low temperatures

A process that continuously produces methanol from methane is being developed by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI; Des Plaines, Ill.;, with support from the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s (Washington, D.C.) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The process operates at…

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These batteries charge faster, last longer

A new lithium-ion battery that can be recharged in only two minutes — 20 times faster than with current technology — has been developed by scientists from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore; The battery will also have a lifespan of…