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Nanolaminated alloys grow parts for enhanced corrosion resistance

By controlling material interfaces at the nano-scale, Modumetal Inc. (Seattle, Wash.; has developed a method for creating a new class of alloys with precisely defined properties through nanolamination. In this process, a part, such as a valve or fastener,…

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‘Up-cycling’ perfluorinated polymers

At the end of March, Dyneon GmbH (Burgkirchen, Germany) — a fully owned subsidiary of 3M Co. ( — together with its cooperating partners, the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the University of Bayreuth and the institute InVerTec, opened the world’s first…

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Making bioethanol directly from starch

Today, the cost of enzymes continues to make bioethanol uncompetitive as a fuel. Eliminating the need for amylases, which are used to hydrolyze starch into fermentable sugars, would be a key step toward reducing the operating costs for producing bioethanol.…

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Air-capture of CO2 using waste process heat

Carbon-negative technology being commercialized by Global Thermostat LLC (New York, N.Y.; removes carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere using low-cost waste process heat from industrial processes. The technology works in a similar fashion to cogeneration approaches and could transform…

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April Chementator Briefs

Nanocellulose pilot Sappi Ltd. (Johannesburg; South Africa; will build a pilot-scale plant for low-cost nanocellulose (Cellulose NanoFibrils; CNF) production at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus (Sittard-Geleen, the Netherlands; The pilot plant will test the manufacturing of dry re-dispersible CNF…

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Lignin to adipic acid

A new study from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL; Golden, Colo.; demonstrates the conversion of lignin-derived compounds to adipic acid, an important precursor for making nylon and other chemicals. The new route offers a “greener” alternative to conventional…

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Biomass pretreatment approach can reduce enzyme requirements

Biomass is a recalcitrant, heterogeneous matrix of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin that resists microbial and enzymatic breakdown. Overcoming this recalcitrance is the major economic barrier to the conversion of biomass to sugars or other chemicals. Heat, acid and other chemicals…

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Making fuels from almost any organic material

Adgex Ltd. (Sydney, Australia; is marketing a plant, tradenamed “Green Blaze,” for processing organic raw materials by means of high-speed ablative pyrolysis. According to the company, the plant (flowsheet) can be adapted to convert into synthetic fuel almost any…

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End-to-end demonstration of CO2-to-ethanol process achieved

Joule Unlimited (Bedford, Mass.; announced recently that it has achieved end-to-end production of ethanol from carbon dioxide and sunlight (CO2-to-ethanol), using its specially designed photobioreactor and engineered cyanobacteria. The full production runs occurred late last year at the company’s…

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Modified MOFs could cut carbon-capture costs in half

Chemists from the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley; have modified a metal-organic framework (MOF) compound with diamines, which enables the material to be tuned to absorb CO2 at different temperatures, such as from air at room temperature, or…