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Editor's Comments


Pressure Transmitter Mounting March, Column Instrumentation Basics, p. 48 The illustration in Figure 9 purports to show a flowmeter installation for vapor or gas. In vapor or gas service, the differential pressure and pressure transmitters are always mounted above the…

Editor’s Page: Are we taking safety seriously?

Negative opinions regarding the adequacy of contemporary process-plant safety certainly exist in the public, governmental and private sectors. Any way you look at it, a harsh truth for the chemical engineering profession is that for every thousand or so thankfully…

Working together toward common goals

The chemical process industries (CPI) are united in many common goals. Particularly in this age of fast global growth, it is difficult, if not impossible, for a company to achieve its targets by working independently. A common theme circulating at…

Editor’s Page: The Economic Outlook — 2008 and Beyond  

As 2007 draws to a close, the usual year-end flurry of economic analysis is hitting consumer and trade press alike. For this magazine’s global audience, the bottom line depends on where you’re standing and whether you’re looking back or forward.…

December Letters  

More detail needed for VLE method I read with interest Mr. Bahadori’s article in Chemical Engineering (August 2007; pp. 47 – 51) on the above subject. His new approach stated the algorithm for determining K i’s, x i’s and y…

Cooperation looks promising for wireless standards

Standardization is a challenging but necessary path in the chemical process industries (CPI), whether it pertains to pumps, process equipment or one of the most-recent focuses and topic of this month’s Cover Story (p. 34), wireless instrumentation and control. Without…

Calling all chemical engineers

Today’s chemical process industries (CPI) are riding on the tails of the best four-year stretch that the global economy has seen since the late 1960s or early 1970s. Engineering workloads in North America have at least tripled in the last…

U.S. EPA Honors Green Chemistry

For the 12th straight year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized efforts in developing less-toxic alternatives to existing technologies and reducing or eliminating waste in the manufacturing process. The 2007 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards, which are described…

On our minds recently

As chemical process technology and the process industries advance, it can be useful to occasionally glance backward, to see what technical issues have preoccupied our readers in the past. In that vein, this is an apt moment to look back…

Help us to Honor Engineering Excellence

    Do you know of a firm — perhaps your own employer — that has recently commercialized an innovative process, product, or other chemical-engineering development? If so, we would like to hear from you. Nominations are open for this…