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Winning achievements in ‘green chemistry’

For the past 19 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; Washington, D.C.; has been honoring innovative technologies that reduce hazards to humans and the environment. These achievements are of great interest since developing safer and environmentally sustainable processes…

Focusing on STEM

I recently read an article in my local newspaper about the Museum of Math, also known as “MoMath” (New York;, which piqued my interest and prompted me to learn more about it. The gallery of photos and videos on…

Making security a priority

It seems that more and more, security concerns — both physical and cyber — have become part of our daily lives both off and on the job. The all-too-frequent news stories on the topic as well as repetitive prompts, such…

Finding job satisfaction

What do you look for in a job? It is an interesting question, and one that has received more attention in recent years as employers, who are struggling to find and attain the “right” person for a particular job, realize…

The wide reach of the CPI

Last year I visited Yellowstone National Park for the first time. I was appropriately awed by the beauty of the landscape and majestic wildlife. One site that stays in my memory is the Grand Prismatic Spring — a steamy, colorful…

Developing practical technologies

I remember a cartoon a colleague once showed me when I was a process development engineer working on process scaleup in a pilot plant. It showed a huge production-sized Erlenmeyer flask in a plant with several white-coated scientists standing around…

Green chemistry reaps rewards

Each year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; Washington, D.C.; honors innovative technologies that make an impact in reducing hazards to human health and the environment. As these are goals that the chemical process industries (CPI) continuously strive for,…

What keeps you up at night?

The Plant Management Roundtable at the ChemInnovations Conference and Expo (September 25–26, Galveston, Tex.) offered attendees the opportunity to hear about what is on the minds of leaders of chemical process industries (CPI) plants. On the panel were Jon Manns,…

Keeping the water flowing

Currently, there are around 13,000 desalination plants in operation or under construction in 150 countries, according to the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE; Rugby, U.K.; A number of these plants are in, or are planned for, locations that might…

Recognizing excellence

As it has done for more than 85 years, the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI; London, U.K.;, America International Group awarded the SCI Chemical Industry Medal to an individual whose leadership, commitment and contributions have been responsible for substantial…