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Editor's Comments

Editor’s page: The expanding role of AI in process operations

Respondents to a Q4 2024 survey of industrial leaders conducted by the ARC Advisory Group (Dedham, Mass.; ranked artificial intelligence (AI) first, by a relatively large margin, among the digital technologies that they expect to be the most impactful…

CPI Outlook for 2024

Following a strong year for the chemical process industries (CPI) in 2022, 2023 saw modest growth, with global industrial output rising only 0.6% and chemical production growth at about 0.3% [ 1]. Numerous factors contributed to the lower demand for…

Driving change through funding

The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), which was passed into law last August, directs federal funding to a variety of sectors in the forms of grants, loans and tax incentives for corporations, and to a lesser extent to…

Feeling video fatigue?

It has been a full year since our world was changed by the coronavirus pandemic. The disruptions to our lives have been many, and the one perhaps most invasive to our day-to-day routines has been the need for social distancing.…

2019 Kirkpatrick Award Finalists

Every two years, Chemical Engineering honors an innovative technology that has been commercialized with the Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement Award. This year, we have six finalists who will have the opportunity to present their technologies at the Chem Show in…

The 2019 Kirkpatrick Award: Nominations are now open

As chemical engineers, many of us work on developing new processes or improving current ones, often with goals of better efficiency, new or improved products and more sustainability. Taking concepts and laboratory work to a commercial scale requires significant effort,…

Preparing for unprecedented storms

This year, hurricane season in the U.S. has been active again, with Hurricane Florence battering North Carolina and its surroundings last month. While wind speeds labeled it as a Category 1 hurricane at landfall, the enormous, slow-moving storm caused great…

Starting strong

Last month, the American Chemistry Council (ACC; issued its annual year-end report, which offers a positive outlook for the chemical process industries (CPI). The report, “Year-End 2017 Chemical Industry Situation and Outlook,” was prepared by the ACC’s Economics and…

Getting ready

My local municipality recently mailed out a brochure titled “Are you ready?”. It is a guide booklet about what to do in case of a nuclear emergency. I live close to a nuclear power plant. The brochure describes radiation, how…

Scientists as celebrities

I recently saw a television commercial that caught my attention and provided “food for thought.” The ad begins with a young girl opening a birthday gift, and is delighted when she sees that it is a Millie Dresselhaus doll. A…