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| By Scott Jenkins and Mary Page Bailey

Measure CO and humidity with continuous self-calibration

Excessive caking can result in spontaneous combustion in commercial spray-drying applications. To avoid caking, humidity and carbon monoxide are used as indicators to ensure a safe process, but combined measurement systems cannot clearly distinguish between these two indicators. The CO.Pilot Synergistic CO and Humidity Measurement system (photo) autonomously performs continuous comparisons of measured gas data with a synchronized database of stored reference gases that serve as “fingerprints” of the selected process and combustion gases. This allows the possibility to perform a realtime check to continuously verify the measurement accuracy as a self-calibration. At the same time, the realtime fingerprint analysis eliminates cross-sensitivity to other gases in the measurement spectrum, which is problematic with other commercial gas analyzers. A proprietary evaluation algorithm enables the measured supply and exhaust gas stream values to be compared in real time. Thus, if an increased CO concentration is detected due to spontaneous combustion during the process, countermeasures can be initiated immediately. Stand 1238 — Rembe GmbH Safety+Control, Brilon, Germany