These cleanroom doors provide high resistance to acids and bases
FasTrax cleanroom doors (photo, p. 76) feature a one-piece radial header, which is machined from a solid block of ultra-high-molecular-weight (UMHW) plastic. With a quick-operating rollup design, the door’s fabric consists of smooth polypropylene, which provides higher resistance to acids and bases and a lower water-absorption rate than vinyls and urethanes. This fabric makes FasTrax cleanroom doors highly resistant to mold and provides high-performance washdown qualities, even with harsh cleaning chemicals. The doors’ design also uses non-corrosive, lightweight and easily removable side frames that meet government guidelines for washdown and bacteria control. Side frames stand off from the wall to minimize surface-to-surface contact, reducing pockets where bacteria can grow. Additionally, the door has washdown-rated drive system and controls, which are completely sealed and protected. Booth 1857 — Rite-Hite Corp., Milwaukee, Wis.