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| By Gerald Ondrey


A continuous mixer for many different applications

Gebr. Lödige Maschinenbau

Gebr. Lödige Maschinenbau

The low-maintenance Ploughshare mixer KM (photo) is suitable for processing powdery, fibrous or granular solids, as well as liquids and pastes. Granulation processes can also be carried out with the continuous mixer at minimum dwell time. The continuous mixer is based on the patented, mechanically generated turbulent fluidized-bed process. During this process, Ploughshare shovels rotate close to the wall in a horizontal, cylindrical drum. Their peripheral speed and geometric shape take the mixing components off of the drum wall and toss them into the free mixing compartment from the product bed. Intensive mixing is achieved even at extensive throughputs of material to be mixed. An excellent homogeneity and consistent reproducibility of the final product is achieved during short mixing or dwell times of only 25 to 60 s, says the company. The smallest model has a drum capacity of 5 L and a throughput of 0.25 m3/h, depending on the dwell time and filling level. The largest model has a drum volume of 57,000 L and a throughput of around 1,300 ton/h. Hall A4, Stand 441 — Gebr. Lödige Maschinenbau GmbH, Paderborn, Germany