Reduce operating costs with sludge disintegrating centrifuge
This company’s centrifuges can be operated with an additionally installed lysing device (photo). This lysing device is attached in the area of the sludge discharge openings and uses the existing kinetic bowl energy. This means that the additional power consumption of 0.02 to 0.05 kW/kg can also be kept correspondingly low. The disintegration effects in the thickened waste-activated sludge (WAS) essentially take place by impact and shear forces generated by rotating knife blades in the labyrinth and the lysing chamber at high circumferential velocity. The lysing device consists of a labyrinth with a lysis chamber fitted with window openings. Fork blades fitted onto the centrifuge bowl rotate through the lysis chamber, and these blades are protected against wear with tungsten carbide plating. From the discharge openings of the centrifuge, thickened waste-activated sludge thrown out at high speed flows through the lysis chamber in the axial direction. Using a disintegration process to generate technical and economic advantages for further sludge treatment leads to reduced viscosity and better pumping properties, increased degradation of the organic part, increase in gas yield and improved drainage behavior. Hall A1, Stand 150 — Hiller GmbH, Vilsbiburg, Germany