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Show Preview: IFAT Munich

| By Gerald Ondrey

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Mixers for efficient treatment of sewage sludge

Continuous Ploughshare mixers (photo) enable operators of municipal and industrial sewage works to tailor their treatment of wet and dry sludge entirely to its intended use. Wet and dried sludge that has been mixed and treated inside a Ploughshare Mixer in a continuous process boasts a pumpable consistency, exactly the right moisture content required to achieve the necessary calorific value and a particle size that ensures the proper consistency. This provides reliable protection against the sludge sticking or turning into a paste. Additives such as lime can also be added easily during processing. Ploughshare Mixers operate on the fluidized-bed principle. Specially developed shovels rotate close to the wall inside a horizontal drum, creating a fluidized bed. The process enables a high degree of homogeneity and constant reproducibility. Retention times, duration of treatment and other process variables can be modified depending on the characteristics being sought. Hall A2, Stand 520 — Lödige Process Technology, Paderborn, Germany

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