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4959 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

Teijin Aramid increases fiber production capacity in the Netherlands

Teijin Aramid (Arnhem, the Netherlands; announced it is going…

The game changer for 2012

As we round the corner from 2011 to 2012, economists…

The game changer for 2012

As we round the corner from 2011 to 2012, economists…

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Finding the Balance in Packaging

The word “sustainability” is used a lot, but for many…

Feeling the Pressure

As the chemical process industries (CPI) continue to battle with…

Mastering the Challenges of Air-Sensitive Materials

While air-sensitive materials may not be a part of every…

Member Exclusive

Better Filtration for the Bottom Line

Many applications in the chemical process industries (CPI) require filtration…

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The Evolution of Power

    Environmental regulations, the economy, an aging infrastructure and…

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The CPI Construction Boom: Project Delivery in a New Landscape

Companies need more creative ways to deal with complex and…

Europe Special Advertising Section 2008

European Union (EU) proposals for emissions trading and renewable energy…