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4954 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

Drones Take to the Skies in the Chemical Processing Industries

Drones are quickly entering the chemical processing space as more…

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Pressure Transmitter Basics: DP Transmitters

Pressure transmitters are widely used throughout the chemical process industries…

Pressure Transmitter Basics: Selection Guidelines

What are the steps to finding the best pressure sensor…

Using Bins & Silos To Heat or Cool Bulk Solids

    Vessels for handling bulk solids, such as silos…

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Consider Wet Agglomeration To Improve Powder Flow

Agglomeration is the process of converting fine powder particles into…

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From Concept to Commercial Production

Chemical technology is in a state of constant innovation and…

The Digital Transformation in the CPI

An overview of how the chemical process industries are looking…

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Heat Transfer for Huge-Scale Fermentation

Industrial microbiology continues to hold the promise of producing an…

Focus on Heat Transfer

New line of blown film coolers are designed for warm…

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Mass Transfer in Fermentation Scaleup

How big can a fermenter get? And what would the…