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4958 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

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Evonik to increase production capacity for 1-butene  

Evonik Industries AG (Essen, Germany; plans to increase the…

Solenis to double production capacity of polyacrylamide powders in Russia

Solenis (Wilmington, Del.; responding to strong customer demand in…

Flowserve to sell Gestra AG business to Spirax-Sarco

Flowserve Corp. (Dallas, Tex.; announced it has entered into…

Asahi Kasei to increase production capacity for LIB separators in the U.S. and Japan

Asahi Kasei Corp. (Tokyo, Japan; will increase production capacity for…

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Chementator: Concentrating Light to Boost Solar-Energy Efficiency  

Engineers at MIT (Cambridge, Mass.; are developing solar concentrators…

Shifting the world to 100% renewable energy by 2030?

Wind, water and solar energy resources are sufficiently available to…

Kathu CSP plant successfully connected to the national grid

The engineering and technology group Sener S.A. (Las Arenas, Spain;…

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Bringing Increased Reliability and Safety to Control Valves

Hardware improvements and service programs add more value to today’s…

New report examines chemical companies’ adoption of digital technologies

Digital adoption is increasing in chemical companies’ plants as more…

Next-generation connectors for steam-trap installations

Traditional steam-trapping assemblies often require the plant to be shut…