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4933 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

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A mag-drive pump that handles suspended solids

In critical pumping applications involving toxic or expensive products, the…

A video camera that detects fires and fire risks

This company has added long-range fire detection and fire risk-assessment…

Metering pumps that exceed API 675 performance standards

The Hydro-Cell Metering Solutions line is comprised of six metering…

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Mixing: Impeller Performance in Stirred Tanks

Characterizing mixer impellers on the basis of power, flow, shear…

Waste Heat Recovery Methods And Technologies

Waste heat recovery (WHR) is essential for increasing energy efficiency…

Computer models reduce need for real-world testing

Accurate simulations can replace many experiments and plant field tests…

UOP flare testing facility inaugurated in Oklahoma

Honeywell UOP (Des Plaines, Ill.; announced that its Callidus…

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Photochemical Processes in Stirred Tank Reactors

A general overview of industrial photochemistry and the design of…

Chementator: A dosimeter monitors long-term exposure to phosgene

Phosgene is widely used for making fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates,…

Beyond Flowmeter Selection: Consider Some of the Most Overlooked Criteria

The whole-product-lifecycle approach for flowmeters presented here encompasses more than…