Process Systems Enterprise Ltd. (PSE; London, U.K.; today announced…
GEA AG (Düsseldorf, Germany; and Siemens AG (Munich, Germany;…
The first production facilities in the $1.4-billion expansion of BASF-YPC…
Last January, Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby; and FLSmidth A/S…
The growth in use of centrifugal compressors in chemical process…
The new version of this company’s on-line water analyzer UV500…
PLANT WATCH Kemira inaugurates its largest water-treatment chemicals plant October 9,…
Fluor Corp. (Irving, Tex.; announced today that it was…
Plant Watch BASF inaugurates two new plants in Texas October…
Plant Watch Liheng adds largest continuous polymerization capacity for PA6…