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4962 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

STAR-CCM+ v9.06 breaks new ground with sophisticated modeling applications  

CD-adapco (London, U.K.;, the largest privately held CFD (computational…

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Petroleum Refining Outlook

Increasing production of crude oil from shale deposits in the…

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Novo Nordisk invests in new purification pilot plant in Denmark  

Novo Nordisk A/S (Bagsværd, Denmark; is increasing its drug…

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Newsfront: Monitoring Corrosion Online and in Realtime

Corrosion has the chemical process industries seeing red in their…

New LR mobile app saves pressure-equipment manufacturers time and money    

Available from today, a new Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) Category…

Hexcel buys stake in additive manufacturing specialist Oxford Performance Materials

Hexcel Corp. (Stamford, Conn.; has made a strategic investment…

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Toyo wins urea contract from Cuba

Toyo Engineering Corp. (Toyo; Chiba, Japan; has been awarded…

Making a clear case for glass reactors

Unlike reactors made from glass-lined metals or those made entirely…

January New Products (North American edition)

    Energy-efficient compressors are enhanced with numerous features These…

Startup of new purified terephthalic acid line in China

INVISTA Performance Technologies (IPT; Shanghai, China; and China Prosperity…