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4961 results for: thermoplastic lined GRP spray

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Evonik forms joint venture with Secar for lightweight composites, and more business news

Plant Watch Sibur and BASF sign longterm agreement for polymer…

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Electronic marshalling uproots 35 years of spaghetti wiring practices

Last month, in unveiling the S-Series release of its DeltaV…

Pexco acquires Scandia Plastics, deepens specialty plastics machining capability

Pexco LLC (Atlanta, Ga.;, a North American specialty plastics…

Suez wins contract for sludge-to-energy plant in Romania

The city of Bucharest, Romania has selected a consortium composed…

Seals & Gaskets  

In Poorly Lubricated Conditions, Try this Diamond Seal... Over 50%…

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Bearing Housing Protector Seals for Gearboxes

Lubricant contamination in gearbox bearing housings can substantially reduce gear…

PolyOne acquires composite specialist PlastiComp

PolyOne Corporation (Cleveland, Ohio; announced the acquisition of PlastiComp,…

New laser gas analyzer for in-situ, cross-stack tests

Designed for in-situ cross-stack measurements in extreme or harsh environments,…

Interphex 2009 Show Preview

The world’s largest pharmaceutical conference and exhibition, Interphex, will be…

An expanded line of temperature-measurement devices

With the addition of bimetal thermometers and thermowells for general…