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2083 results for: steam traps

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New Topsøe methanol plant started up in Russia  

On October 20, the official ceremony of commissioning of the…

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Solvent extraction method shows promise for recovering bitumen from tar sands

Today only a few percent of Canada’s oil sands resource…

Oil from Sand

In these hard economic times, people working in troubled businesses…

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Low-cost solar collectors provide renewable process heat

The first pre-commercial demonstration has started for a system that…

Measure non-condensing steam with these flowmeters

The RNS and RWS Series flowmeters are designed to measure…

Measure non-condensing steam with these flowmeters

The RNS and RWS Series flowmeters are designed to measure…

Automated Condensate Sampler Eliminates Personnel Hazards

In order to monitor pure steam quality in sterile plants…

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A solution-based route to LLDPE

Polyethylene (PE) is the world’s largest-volume commodity polymer. Along with…

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Sener and Obrascón Huarte Lain to build a cogeneration plant in México  

Pemex Refinación (Huasteca, Mexico; has awarded to a consortium formed…

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SNC-Lavalin: Contract in Alberta’s oil sands

SNC-Lavalin Inc. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada; has been awarded an…