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2083 results for: steam traps

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Trends in polymer processing

Because many of their products go directly to the ultimate…

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Ethanol from Sugarcane

Ethanol is a widely used commodity chemical with several applications,…

Topsoe signs contract for sulfur treatment plant

Haldor Topsøe A/S (Lyngby, Denmark; has signed a contract…

First field testing on frac-water treatment system from OriginOil

OriginOil, Inc. (Los Angeles, Calif.;, the developer of a…

MHPS receives order for steam turbine and generator set for Chang Chun Petrochemical

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS; Yokohama, Japan; has…

The Bio-Based Economy

The realization that our natural resources are not endless, and…

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Rare-Earth Metals For the Future

As demand for rare-earth metals in a wide range of…

This new diesel engine boosts fuel efficiency, slashes PM and NOx emissions

Rotec Design Ltd. (Brisbane, Queens-land, Australia; 6900-539), has filed…

Protect vacuum pumps from contamination with these traps

These vacuum inlet traps protect pumps across many applications, from…

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Demonstration for a process that makes H2 from sewage sludge

Japan Blue Energy Co. (JBEC; Tokyo, Japan;, Daiwa Lease…