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2083 results for: steam traps

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Environmentally Friendly Dry Vacuum Pumps Save Energy with the Lowest Cost of Ownership in Chemical and Biofuel Processes

Demands in the chemical processing industry to reduce energy consumption…

Newsfront: Upping the Ante with Heat Transfer Fluids

In an economy with soaring raw material and rising heat-transfer-fluid…

. . . and this one uses shock waves to clean watertube boilers

Another online boiler-cleaning system, in this case for coal-fired watertube…

How to boost H2 output from biomass gasifiers

  A promising method for producing hydrogen involves the gasification…

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This TSA process promises to slash costs for CO2 separation

A post-combustion process capable of separating CO2 from fluegas at…

Detect the presence of steam and water in boilers and drums

The Mobrey Hydratect 2462 detection system (photo) is used in…

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ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions awarded planning contract for PDH plant in Texas  

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG (Essen, Germany; is making its…

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This lignite-drying process increases the efficiency of power and gasification plants

Last month, RWE Power (Cologne, Germany; and Linde-KCA-Dresden GmbH (,…

A new PSA process to recover high-purity H2 from steam reformers  

Kobe Steel Ltd. (Kobelco; Tokyo; has developed a process…

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Make more olefins economically with this new catalytic-cracking process

SK Corp. (Seoul, South Korea; has developed a new…