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2064 results for: steam traps

Wood and Cognite enter strategic partnership for industrial AI offerings

Cognite (Oslo, Norway), a global industrial AI software company, and…

TASI Group acquires Sierra Instruments

The TASI Group (Harrison, Ohio; continues the growth of…

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Chementator Briefs [January 2023]

BTX extraction A newly launched series of blended solvents for…

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ODH Catalyst Clariant Catalyts (Munich; has teamed up with…

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Chementator Briefs

Renewable jet fuel At the end of last October, euglena…

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Ethylene Last month, Linde GmbH (Pullach, Germany; and Shell…

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Chementator Briefs

Sludge to fuel Bio-sludge is a byproduct of the wastewater…

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CO2 Separation Conventional DDR-type zeolite membranes are well suited for…

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2D polymer Chemical engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

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Chemenator Briefs

Flow Battery Honeywell Inc. (Charlotte, N.C.; introduced a new…