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2083 results for: steam traps

Pipe Supports: Challenges and Solutions

Pipe supports in industrial process plants are often more complicated…

Facts At Your Fingertips: Physical Gas-Separation Methods

Industrial gases are critical for a wide range of applications…

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The first commercial power-to-liquids plant planned

Nordic Blue Crude A/S (NBC; Porsgrunn, Norway; intends to…

KBR Announces a New Propane Dehydrogenation Technology

KBR, Inc. (Houston; has developed a new propane dehydrogenation…

JGC wins EPCC contract from Sumitomo Chemical for a new gas-turbine power facility

JGC Holdings Corp. (Yokohama, Japan) announced that JGC Japan Corp.,…

Show Preview-Connected Plant Conference

The 2020 Connected Plant Conference ( is being held February…

Bloom Energy inaugurates electrolyzer production line in Delaware

Bloom Energy Corp. (San Jose, Calif.) inaugurated its high-volume commercial…

Veolia to supply chloride-removal system for pulp plant in Brazil

Veolia Water Technologies ( will support a major expansion of…

Mitsubishi Power, Toyo, JERA and Itochu collaborating to commercialize SAF production technology

Mitsubishi Power, a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group,…

Phillips 66 to provide hydrogen-containing fuel gas to Linden Cogen

Linden Cogeneration (Linden, N.J.) and Phillips 66 (Houston) have reached…