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2083 results for: steam traps

An Investigation of Premature Flooding in a Distillation Column

Surprising observations regarding flooding in the upper fractionation trays of…

Flare Selection for the Chemical Process Industries

There are many factors to consider when selecting a flare…

Pressure Swing Adsorption Technology

Pressure swing adsorption technology is well known for H2 purification…

Total’s Pangea III Supercomputer Ranked First in Industry Worldwide

Total S.A. (Paris, France; has brought on line its…

Crevice-free valves for critical aseptic control

Eliminating areas that might increase the potential for bacterial growth,…

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Mining REEs from phosphogypsum

Last month, the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State; University Park,…

Solve turbomachinery problems: Miba Tilting Pad Bearings

If turbomachinery temperature problems occur or the bearings have to…

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Pilot plant slated for a H2-based process to make DRI from iron-ore fines

The use of direct reduced iron (DRI; sponge iron) and…

Methanex to use Johnson Matthey process technology for new methanol plant

Johnson Matthey (London, U.K.; has been awarded a contract…