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2083 results for: steam traps

Piping for Process Plants Part 6: Testing and Verification

This sixth and final part of a series of articles…

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Steam Generation Thermodynamics

Although proper water treatment and conditioning for combined-cycle units and…

This unit simultaneously scrubs gas and particulate matter

The Series 6500 Jet Venturi Scrubber utilizes a high-velocity spray…

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Chementator: This process improvement speeds up delayed coking

Decoking in a delayed coker operation is a laborious process…

This valve series has been expanded  

Now available in ½- to 36-in. sizes, the Pacific Wedgeplug…

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Slash energy consumption with this steam reformer reactor

Steam reforming of methane into hydrogen takes place in catalyst-packed…

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This modified catalyst additive improves the yield and quality from FCC units

Conventional fluid-catalytic-cracking (FCC) catalysts are based on USY-type of zeolites…

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Higher yields and lower cost are expected for this biomass-to-ethanol process

A process that produces 75–85 gal of ethanol per dry…

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July Letters: Ethanol from the direct gasification of biomass

May Technology Profile I would like to ask the following…

PSA Technology: Beyond Hydrogen Purification

Pressure swing adsorption technology is well known for H2 purification…