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2083 results for: steam traps

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Good Times for Refiners

    Improved profitability in the refining industry has brought…

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High-performance polymers in the spotlight

Improvements in existing materials and the development of new ones…

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Newsfront: Fuel Cells Move into the CPI Plant

Fuel cells and hydrogen economy are inevitably used in the…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and…

ExxonMobil to acquire aromatics plant in Singapore

ExxonMobil Chemical Co. (Houston; announced that its Singapore affiliate…

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Engineering Practice: Optimize your Process Plant for More than One Objective

There are many criteria that the engineer considers when optimizing:…

Newsfront: The Heat Is On

As the price of electricity, natural gas and other fossil…

Remote Thermal Sensing

By making it easy to detect heat anomalies, thermal cameras…

Optimizing Flare Operation Through Proper Design

Flare problems are often caused by the seal systems that…

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Project Optimization Through Engineering

In the face of intense market pressures, companies are increasingly…