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2084 results for: steam traps

Kirkpatrick Award Gala Honors Chemical Engineering Champions

The winner of the 39th Kirpatrick Award is Axens Group…

These float traps are both compact and reliable

Steam traps of the UNA 1 range combine the technical…

Improving Information Management

Maximizing quality, minimizing cost and meeting schedule milestones are ever-present…

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June Chementator Briefs

  Underground pipes A hand-held device for locating buried pipe…

Key equipment arrives at Duke Energy’s IGCC plant

The first major pieces of equipment have arrived at  Duke…

This cooler features a new vessel and a cooled mixing tool

Zeppelin Systems The Horizontal Cooler EFF (photo) delivers efficient cooling…

This mixer precisely delivers water and steam for cleaning

The CSF Steam Water Mixer is capable of delivering water…

For small-scale applications, use this steam generator

MBA Electric Steam Generators (photo) are ideal for small-scale applications…

This bolt-on heating jacket encloses visual flow indicators

Composed of "clamshell" halves consisting of a carbon or stainless-steel…

Dust Hazards

Dust is a critical consideration in the chemical process industries…