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2084 results for: steam traps

A large control valve optimized for anti-surge applications

This company rounds off its proven series of Ecotrol control…

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Level Measurement Devices

Effective level measurement helps ensure smooth, continuous processes by maintaining…

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Evaluating Industrial Flowmeters

Flow measurement plays a critical role throughout the chemical process…

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A new process for high-purity MnO2

Mesa Minerals Ltd. (Perth, Australia; has developed an alternative…

CB&I awarded large EPC contract in Oman

CB&I (The Woodlands, Tex.; announced a joint venture between…

Achieving Excellence in Energy Efficiency

In today’s environmentally conscious world, industrial energy management is increasingly…

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Control Valves: An Evolution In Design

Globe-style control valves are in virtually every chemical processing line…

Vapor Depressurization: Concept and Implementation

During process operations, elevated pressure inside of isolated zones within…

Get industrial boiler measurements for consistent blowdown control

This online conductivity sensor for industrial boilers can measure directly…

Kirkpatrick finalists announced

Four finalists have been selected for the 2011 Kirkpatrick Award…