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2084 results for: steam traps

Match the needed modules to meet your boiler requirements

The Universal Modular Boiler U-MB (photo) steam-boiler series uses the…

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Uhde and Praxair sign global H2 alliance agreement

In December 2009, Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany; and its…

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A next-generation ironmaking process makes its commercial debut

In January, the world’s first commercial plant to use the…

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A direct coal-liquefaction process goes commercial…

The world’s first commercial plant to produce liquid fuels by…

Australian plant named industrial water project of the year

QGC’s water treatment plant at its northern coal seam gas…

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Demo plant for high-yield biomass-to-gasoline process under construction

Construction of a demonstration plant has begun for a biomass-to-gasoline…

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Borealis invests in capacity expansion for crosslinked polyethylene, and more business news

Plant Watch Lanxess inaugurates new high-tech plastics plant in Brazil…

This modular steam-trapping station reduces leakage

The STS17.2 steam-trapping station is a complete assembly comprised of…

This valve handles very high pressures

This company’s CV Series valves are capable of continuous operation…

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Propylene Production via Metathesis

Propylene is typically considered a co-product in steam crackers and…