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3562 results for: separators

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This gold catalyst takes the crown for high activity and selectivity

Gold catalysts have been shown to have superior activities for…

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Slag heaps: a new source of precipitated calcium carbonate

Two waste products — carbon dioxide and industrial wastes —…

Safety Equipment

    The need to maintain and increase safety is…

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Catalytic process converts sorted waste into aromatic compounds

The rising cost of landfilling trash creates a strong incentive…

A multilayered, self-sensing diaphragm for metering pumps

Mechanically driven diaphragm pumps (MDDPs) are widely used for metering…

Interphex Show Preview

    The world's largest pharmaceutical conference and exhibition, Interphex,…

Johnson Matthey and Ilika to partner on lithium-sulfur battery project

Ilika p.l.c. (Southampton, U.K.; announces that it is taking…

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Internal Corrosion Sampling

Corrosion is a large and complex issue that is critical…

Interphex 2017 Show Preview

Interphex 2017, which is taking place March 21–23 at the…

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Chementator: H2 separation

Researchers at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas…