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3561 results for: separators

Say Good-Bye to Old-School Centrifuges

Many chemical processes in the U.S. that use centrifuges were…

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A faster way to determine pKa values

Researchers from the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia; and…

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Air Liquide to build ASU in China for steel producer

Air Liquide (Paris; has signed another major long-term contract…

B&W awarded contracts to build and operate U.K. biomass plant

  Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. (B&W; Charlotte, N.C.;…

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UOP to establish new center in Malaysia

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill.;, a Honeywell company, announced…

These process-control systems conform to safety standards

SysCon control systems (photo) can be custom-designed for virtually any…

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Commercialization is set for a new alkylation process

An improved sulfuric-acid alkylation process that reduces acid consumption by…

Chementator: This diaphragm adds life to air-powered pumps

Crane ChemPharma Flow Solutions (Düsseldorf, Germany; has developed a…

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Knowledge-based approach to catalyst development

Petroleum-derived ethylene normally contains traces of acetylene, which interferes with…

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A German research project aims to make methanol from biomass or CO2

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany; is cooperating…