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3561 results for: separators

NIR technology enables precise sorting in fractions of a second

Materials with the same visual appearance can now be precisely,…

MVR technology optimizes energy use of evaporation plants

The operating costs of direct, steam-heated evaporators can significantly be…

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UOP & Foster Wheeler technology selected for Oman refinery expansion  

UOP LLC (Des Plaines, Ill:, a Honeywell company, announced…

Evonik opens new C4 plants with innovative technology in Marl

  Evonik Industries AG (Essen, Germany; has started up…

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CPI Employment Landscape: Snapshot 2016

Insights about complex CPI workforce issues come from a variety…

This multimotion dryer offers a number of advantages

The Planex System is a patented, multi-product dryer for vacuum…

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Pall: Contract for NG-purification technologies

Pall Corp. (Port Washington, N.Y.; has been contracted to…

Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies

Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…

Saudi Aramco invests in Siluria Technologies

Siluria Technologies (San Francisco, Calif.; has announced the initial…

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Chementator: A promising nanosieve for dehydrating solvents and biofuels  

Although nanoporous silica membranes are promising systems for the molecular…