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3560 results for: separators

Praxair starts up ASU at Oxiran site in China

Praxair, Inc. (Danbury, Conn.; announced the startup of its…

Sadara announces Amines plant startup

Sadara Chemical Co. (Jubail, Saudi Arabia;, a joint venture…

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Wacker starts up new production plant for specialty monomers; and more business news

Plant Watch Sumitomo announces battery-separator capacity expansion, new plant in…

Greenhouse Gases: U.S. Starts Counting

As 2009 came to a close, the U.S. crossed a…

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Three mobile reactors for hazardous chemistry  

On the international chemicals markets, hazardous chemistry and custom synthesis…

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Heat Exchanger Standards for Shell-and-Tube Equipment

Reliable operation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers begins with an appropriate…

 EPA: CAA standards for boilers and incinerators

In response to federal court orders requiring the issuance of…

Combustible Dust Standard Gets a Facelift

While NFPA 652 creates a general set of requirements for…

A Quick Look at Pneumatic Convey Systems Basics

Outline of Pneumatic Conveying Systems  A pneumatic conveying system transfers…

Capture dust from large airflows with this system

SJV Hose Jet Filters remove dust from air flowrates from…