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3558 results for: separators

This ‘runny nose’ works better than a dry one

Researchers at the University of Warwick ( and Leicester University…

This catalyst converts cellulose into sugar alcohols

Cellulose accounts for about 40% of the planet’s total photosynthesis…

Filtration in the spotlight

    In the chemical process industries (CPI), pressure is…

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Rare-Earth Metals For the Future

As demand for rare-earth metals in a wide range of…

The Bio-Based Economy

The realization that our natural resources are not endless, and…

Level Measurement: On the Level

As level is a critical parameter for those in the…

Optimizing the Design-to-Cost Cycle

By intensifying cooperation between process designers and cost engineers in…

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BioAmber opens world’s largest succinic acid plant; and more business news

Plant Watch Chambroad commissions China’s first C3/C4 coproduction plant August…

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Continuously replace spent FCC catalyst with this magnetic separator

Nippon Oil Corp. (Tokyo, Japan; has completed a confirmation…

Industrial Wireless: Proven Success, Untethered Potential

For many years now, talk of wirelessly networking and transmitting…