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3561 results for: separators

Johnson Matthey to sell its Medical Devices business for $700 million

Johnson Matthey Plc (JM; London) announced that it has signed…

Linde Engineering selected by NextChem to supply carbon capture technology to ADNOC project

Linde Engineering (Pullach, Germany; has signed an agreement with…

Linde to build 5-MW electrolyzer for green-hydrogen production in Brazil

Linde plc (Guilford, U.K.) announced that its subsidiary White Martins…

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Isotope-enrichment process starts commercial production

Traditional isotope enrichment to separate radioactive atoms is highly capital…

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CO2 captured in stationary energy storage battery

An Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) team created and tested…

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An Overview of Non-Combustion Clean Air Technologies

Selecting an effective system for controlling air pollution can help…

Technip Energies and Mitsubishi Chemical are licensing a new OXO alcohol technology

Technip Energies (Paris) and Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (Tokyo), a member…

Toshiba and Bekaert to collaborate on membrane electrode assemblies for PEM electrolysis

Bekaert and Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corp.  have entered…

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Membrane-free water electrolysis

Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden;…

Conveyor Selection for Bulk Solids Processes

Use this guide to aid the selection of conveying technologies…