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3561 results for: separators

Global cement industry supports startups in drive to achieve ‘net zero’ by 2050

Last month, the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA; London,…

Linde starts up plants to supply Celanese and other U.S. Gulf Coast customers

Linde (Guildford, U.K.) announced it has started up a state-of-the-art…

Olefin Plant — Naphtha Steam Cracking (NSC) unit optimization solutions

This white paper discusses the use of robust on-line analyzer…

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Multi-state switchable stationary phase for chiral separation

High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a chiral stationary phase (CSP)…

Sulzer wins contract to supply innovative and compact gas dehydration technology for ExxonMobil

Sulzer Chemtech (Winterthur, Switzerland; is supplying the first ever…

Improve performance with these filtration inspection packages

This company recently launched three filtration inspection packages (photo) centered…

This fast coupling device is patent-pending

REconnect (photo) is a new a coupling device for simple…

DuPont Water Solutions enters partnership with Sun Chemical for membrane degasification

DuPont Water Solutions (Wilmington, Del.) has entered into an exclusive…

ExxonMobil partners with Mosaic Materials to advance MOF-based carbon capture

ExxonMobil Corp. (Irving, Tex.; and Mosaic Materials said that…