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3561 results for: separators

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CO2-to-chemicals effort boosted by electrocatalytic process

The quest to generate chemicals and fuels from exhaust or…

Combine three steps in one unit with this wastewater-treatment process

A cyclic activated-sludge (AS) process, trademarked te-cyc, combines biological treatment…

AchemAsia 2013

With more than 400 exhibitors from over 20 countries, AchemAsia…

FTC’s Invicta filtration technology wins AFS honor

Filtration Technology Corp.’s (FTC; Houston) Invicta technology has been awarded…

Critical Flanges: Advanced Washers Eliminate Galling and Hot Work

During vessel breakout activities, plants should pay close attention to…

Taking a Holistic Approach to Column Internals

Combining new and improved high-performance column internals and a whole-system…

This absorbent media can prevent carbon-bed fires

This company has launched Sulphasorb 2 (photo), a new activated…

Former Axalta CEO to lead AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals

As part of the strategy to separate Specialty Chemicals from…

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Feeder Design for Solids Handling

Processes involving the movement of bulk solid materials require careful…

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Supercritical extraction drives ‘molecular washing machine’ for plastic waste

A new recycling process has been developed for scrap polypropylene…