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3557 results for: separators

Extending Membranes’ Reach Across the CPI

Advances in next-generation materials and assembly techniques have enhanced membranes’…

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Chementator: Membrane Cuts the Cost of Ethanol Dehydration

Ethanol production is an energy-intensive process in which about 50%…

Viscosity: The Basics

Most engineers know what viscosity is, but may have trouble…

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Industrial Crystallization for the CPI

This overview presents the traditional and emerging types of continuous…

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D,L-methionine production via the carbonate process

Methionine is an essential amino acid that is not synthesized…

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Cartridge Filtration Principles For the CPI

    Improvements in cartridge dirt-holding capacity has led to…

Research Projects: The Importance of “Cold Eyes” Project Reviews

Follow this guidance to carry out independent project reviews of…

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Considerations for Estimating the Costs of Pilot-Scale Facilities

The differences between industrial-scale facilities and pilot plants go beyond…

Size Reduction: Improving the Daily Grind

New milling, grinding and size-reduction equipment helps processors obtain better…

Air-filtration systems: Clearing the Air

Modern air-filtration systems provide more-efficient dust collection and assist with…