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3557 results for: separators

Air Liquide signs longterm contract with major petroleum group in China; and more business news for the CPI

Plant Watch   BASF and Sinopec inaugurate world-scale isononanol plant…

Veolia and Knauf launch closed-loop glass recycling facility in the U.K.

Knauf Insulation ( and Veolia (Paris, France; have officially…

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Process Commercialization: The 2017 Kirkpatrick Chemical Engineering Achievement Award

The path to commercialization can be long and arduous, which…

VOC Emission Controls For the CPI

    Why do governmental bodies regulate VOC (volatile organic…

Technology Showcase: Carbon Capture and Storage

  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an area of…

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Precision Grouting: Setting the Foundation for Equipment Reliability

A clear understanding of grout material properties is important to…

Member Exclusive

Cover Story Part 1: Level Measurement Technologies For the CPI

  Plant performance and safety are key issues for the…

Controlling SO2 Without Corroding the Bottom Line

Among the many types of pollution-abatement systems that are in…

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Linde seals long-term gas contract with Corus in the UK

The Linde Group (Munich, Germany; has signed a long-term…

A large pressure filter for the alumina industry

The Larox VPF (vertical pressure filter) is used for the…