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3557 results for: separators

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Nitric Acid in the Spotlight

Efforts continue to make nitric-acid production more efficient with lower…

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Chementator: This Catalyst Helps Visible Light Split Water into H2 and O2  

Normally, only the ultraviolet (higher energy) component of the solar…

Cleaning, Flushing, Draining and Charging Your Thermal Oil System

TECHNICAL DATA Cleaning, Flushing, Draining and Charging Your Thermal Oil…

Thermal Fluid Systems: Design Considerations

Single-fluid heat-transfer systems that both heat and cool a process…

Damper Technologies for Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers

    Regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) are commonly used for…

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Distillation Column Thermal Optimization: Employing Simulation Software

Several market conditions, including availability of light crude oilds in…

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Thermal Integration Of Reboilers

The approaches currently used by process integration specialists to assess…

Thermal Oxidiser Waste Heat Recovery Enhances Gas Plant Efficiency

As environmental regulations continue to grow more stringent, gas processing…

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Predict and Prevent Air Entrainment in Draining Tanks

When tanks are draining, the potential may exist for a…

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Linde to build two large ASUs in China  

The technology company The Linde Group (Munich, Germany; has…