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3557 results for: separators

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Good Times for Refiners

    Improved profitability in the refining industry has brought…

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Harnessing the Power of a Cyclone

Due to their simplicity of construction, lack of moving parts,…

Considering Fugitive Emissions During the Conceptual Design Stage

The ability to reduce fugitive emissions through the use of…

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Pneumatic Conveying: Before Stepping the Line, Look Into Air Extraction

Successively larger diameters downstream can raise problems. Physical removal of…

Dust Control in the Chemical Processing Industries

Dust in the chemical processing industries (CPI) is present in…

Piping-System Leak Detection and Monitoring for the CPI

Leaks in a chemical process industries (CPI) facility can run…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and…

Save time and expense with this new drying system

Radio Frequency The Macrowave radio frequency (RF) drying system heats…

Biosludge Drying: System Design Schemes for the Sticky Phase

Drying biosludge from wastewater-treatment plants is complicated by the “sticky…

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ThyssenKrupp wins follow-up order for cement plant in Saudi Arabia  

ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG (Essen, Germany;, the ThyssenKrupp Group's…