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636 results for: scott jenkins

Bechtel and Rio Tinto collaborating on solar-power facility for one of the world’s largest open-pit copper mines

Bechtel (Reston, Va.) has announced its selection by Rio Tinto…

CE Podcast: Global Impact Coalition CEO Charlie Tan

On this episode of the Chemical Engineering Podcast, senior editor…

Cybersecurity Implications of IT and OT Convergence

As the “Industry 4.0” revolution progresses, the convergence of IT…

Electrochemistry as a driver of decarbonization in the chemicals sector

Despite the urgent need for decarbonization of industrial processes, carbon…

CE Podcast: Editorial Update for February 2025 issue

Hear about some of the content in the February issue…

AI’s potential in the CPI

One of the aspects of my job that I really…

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Entrainment Flooding and Weeping Velocities

Weeping and flooding phenomena set the vapor velocity in industrial…

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Scaling Industrial Decarbonization with Advanced Membranes

The potential of membrane technology to unlock hybrid and scalable…

CE Podcast: Guests are ACC’s Martha Moore and Scott Jensen

On this episode of the Chemical Engineering Podcast, CE senior…

Advanced Strategies for Wastewater Management

Managing wastewater at chemical process industries (CPI) facilities requires a…