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636 results for: scott jenkins

Hexion to expand Portland manufacturing plant

As part of its broader investment plan to drive innovation…

Huntsman to acquire CVC Thermoset Specialties

Huntsman Corp. (The Woodlands, Tex.; has agreed to acquire…

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BMS acquires Artificial Muscle

Bayer MaterialScience LLC (BMS;, a subsidiary of Bayer AG…

Celanese to acquire engineering thermoplastics compounder in India

Celanese Corp. (Dallas, Tex.; announced the signing of a…

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Feeder Design for Solids Handling

Processes involving the movement of bulk solid materials require careful…

Valve Actuator Selection Guide

Information provided here can help guide the selection of valve…

Selection Guide for Solids-Drying Systems

Information provided here offers a basic primer on the features…

Material Transfer & Storage expands services offering for bulk-materials handling

Material Transfer & StorageĀ (MTS; Allegan, Mich.), an industry leader in…

Implementing digital transformation

The recently concluded 5th annual Connected Plant Conference (CPC;,…

Tailgas Considerations for Biogas Upgrading

Thermal oxidation is used to destroy tailgas from biogas-upgrading facilities.…