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617 results for: scott jenkins

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Technology Profile: Isopropyl Alcohol Production from Acetone

This column is based on “Isopropyl Alcohol Production from Acetone…

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Batch Drying: Maximizing Product Yields

Use the strategies discussed here to maximize the yields of…

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Open Process Automation is Gaining Sustainable Momentum

Digital transformation in the chemical process industries demands open architecture,…

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Feeling the ‘brunt of prosperity’ on CPI Workforce issues

While staffing issues continue to be a tremendous challenge for…

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Principles of Agglomeration: Pelletizing Processes

Pelletizing, a tumble-growth agglomeration process, offers many potential benefits to…

Prevent Combustible Dust Explosions with Nitrogen Inerting

Targeted use of blanketing with inert gas offers an effective…

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Technology Profile: Production of Polyacrylonitrile Fibers

This column is based on “Polyacrylonitrile Production – Cost Analysis,”…

Technology Profile: Suspension Polymerization of Polyvinyl Chloride

This column is based on “Polyvinyl Chloride Production from VCM…

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Technology Profile: Ethylene oxide production from ethylene

This column is based on “Ethylene Oxide Production from Ethylene…

The Use of Ozone in Chemical Process Industries (CPI) Applications

The industrial uses of onsite-generated ozone are continuously growing. This…