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617 results for: scott jenkins

Proof-Testing Level-Measurement Devices in Storage-Tank Safety Systems

Storage tanks containing hazardous materials require safety instrumented systems (SIS)…

Sustaining Effective Process Safety Programs at CPI Facilities

The elements needed for excellence in a process safety program…

Diab Group acquires Sabic’s Ultem resin-based foam production assets

Diab Group (Helsingborg, Sweden) has agreed to acquire the ULTEM…

Minimizing Risk for Combustible Dust Explosions

By focusing on ignition sources, such as static discharges, and…

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Safety Relief Valves: Installation and Maintenance

Using proper installation practices and adhering to maintenance schedules helps…

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Unlocking Hydraulic Limits in a Revamp

Follow the practical tips discussed here to accelerate hydraulic revamp…

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Portable CFD: Build Interpolation Models from CFD results

Portable laptop computers and smartphones can be used to emulate…

Catalysis Fundamentals

Catalysis is among the most important chemical phenomena in industrial…

Lloyd’s Register: New software for monitoring rotating and instrumentation equipment  

Lloyd’s Register (London, U.K.; says it has designed industry’s…

Modularization: Managing Project Delivery Risk in the Time of COVID

Taking a modular approach to capital projects offers a pathway…